Friday, September 28, 2012

Top-level HeaderDoc tags

Top-level HeaderDoc tags

@availabilitymacro AVAILABLE_IN_MYAPP_1_0_AND_LATER
Available in MyApp v1.0 and later.
This tag tells HeaderDoc that whenever the named token appears in a declaration, the token should be deleted and the “Availability:“ attribute for that declaration should be set to the string that follows.
@class myClass
The name of the class.
@category myCat(owningClass)
The full name of the category, as declared in the header. For example, “MyClass(MyCategory)”. HeaderDoc uses the “MyClass” portion of the name to identify the associated class.
@protocol myProtocol
The name of the protocol.
@const or @constant
@constant MyConst
Specifies the name of the constant.
@define MyDefine
Name of the macro.
@function myFunc
The name of the function.
Note: For historical reasons, you can also mark up function-like macros with the @function tag. However, this is not recommended.
@enum MyEnum
The name of the enumeration. This is usually enum's tag, if it has one. Otherwise, supply a name you want to have the constants grouped under in the documentation.
The member fields should be enumerated with the@constant tag.
@file Filename
Discussion goes here.
See @header.
@framework Kernel Framework
The name of the framework. Must be in a file ending in .hdoc. This name is inserted as part of the master TOC (landing page) generation process wherever the$$framework@@ tag appears.
@functiongroup My Function Group
The name of the function group.
@header Repast Manager
The name under which the API is categorized. Leave the name blank to just use the header filename.
The following additional subtags are available:
  • @CFBundleIdentifier
  • @charset
  • @compilerflag
  • @encoding
  • @flag
  • @ignore
  • @ignorefuncmacro
  • @preprocinfo
  • @related
@method myMethod:
The name of the Objective-C method.
Note: For historical reasons, you can also mark up C++ methods with the @method tag. However, this is not recommended.
@property myPropName
The name of the Objective-C property.
@struct myStruct
The name of the structure. (Also known as the structure’s tag.)
@typedef MyType
The name of the defined type.
@union myUnion
The name of the union. (Also known as the union's tag.)
@var myVariable
The name of a global variable or class member variable.

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